Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today, I'm Grateful

I only have a minute – but I never want to forget this.

This week was foreseen to be the most stressful of my academic being. With three major mid-terms, I’ve been pressed for both time and energy. Walking home from the library each night at midnight, I have thought, “I’m walking straight up to my room and going to bed until the end of forever.” But as I get home and CeraVe away the grime and grief of the day, I remember… The Lord will bless me for obedience. I just know it. So I read a quick chapter on my Gospel Library app, listen to a bit of the Prophet’s spoken word, and facilely fall asleep.

My result for simple steps?  My Savior pointing a finger in my face, saying,

“SEE! If you just obey, Jenna!”
Almost, “oh watch me now, girl.” 

Because... starting Tuesday morning. I was focused. I was productive. Tender mercies. Tuesday evening. I received an e-mail from my professor saying that due to complications with the mid-term, it will be pushed back next week. Wednesday morning. Statistics concepts that had confused me for weeks became clear. Wednesday afternoon. I won a headline writing contest and was rewarded a bag of Hershey’s kisses: my fat kid motivation for continual study throughout the night.  Wednesday night. The library closed with a robust rendition of How Firm a Foundation, in which the words, “fear not I am with thee, oh be not afraid” rang through the hard-backs and soft-covers alike. Thursday morning. A second professor postponed our midterm, giving me the entire week to stuff my brains out. This afternoon? I receive a sweet text from my father saying that he received a big promotion at work… and that he loved me. A lot. 

Although typically I wouldn't bat an eyelash at these minor miracles, this week it was my Saviors way of saying, “See…”  And this may seem like the silly Laurel’s lesson anecdote, but… These silly things are what bless me the most. The silly sacrifices. The silly things that remind me of the love my Savior has for me.Which in the end, isn't that silly at all. So why do we ever become ungrateful? I truly believe that my Heavenly Father was waiting for me; begging me to allow his blessings to unequivocally comfort & compass me. And I couldn't be more grateful. 

Pray sincerely, act courageously. 

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