Monday, October 1, 2012

Goodbye, September!

10 Things I've Learned in the Month of September

  1. Get off the couch. Don’t be lazy. If you find yourself playing hard to get, don’t pretend to be busy. Just be busy.
  2. Don’t waste your time. If you have to play hard to get, move on. You’ll know when you’ve found a healthy relationship because it won’t confuse you.
  3. When in doubt, shut up. Silence is a smart negotiation tactic. “She seems great” is an excellent thing to say about someone you don’t like because gossiping is trash-tacky nasty. Simple silence is the best option when you’re processing how to respond, and always more productive than lying about what you’re thinking.
  4. Don’t obsess. Worrying is complaint’s ugly cousin. Either use that energy to change your situation, or relax. Incessantly talking about your latest problem is lame.
  5. You look good. There’s no such thing as the hottest person in the room. Everyone is attracted to something different, so just take those odds and run with them.
  6. Being nice is overrated. In fact, “nice” is the least interesting thing someone can say about you. So be you; be loud, be obnoxious, be quirky.
  7. Know your audience. When you’re telling a story and someone ubiquitously interrupts you, let them. When you’re telling a story and someone eternally story-ups you, let them. Just don’t do the same.
  8. Let it go. The world would be a lot nicer place is people learned to let the little things go. Not everything has to be a big, dramatic, fanfare of emotions.
  9. Don’t be intimidated. World travelers are just people who bought plane tickets. Do what you want to be, be who you want to be. Let no one stop you.
  10. You’re only living your twentieth year once. Buy trendy clothes, wear the slutty dress, do something ugly with your hair. Thrive in the college life.

Heeeello, October!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Jenna,
    I love that you have a blog. I love that I read it everyday. I also love this list and everything on it. And you thought that you weren't going to have anything to blog about? Told you that is would not be the case.

    Oh and I love you too. Lots.
    -Courtney Jane
